Friday, November 17, 2006

In this freakishly kewl world of mine....

Warning: this post may contain disturbing ideas. the writer at that moment was high on stress and had gone slightly mental. the sensitive and easily offended are requested not to read any further for their own safety.
Read at your own risk...
Soooo..... you think you're brave enough to read on, well then i must say, brace yourself, cause you're in for a hell of a ride....
Allright, now im startin to exaggerate just a just messing with your heads.
Paranoia has seemed to creep into my half empty or wait..half full...(??)brain of mine...somebody save me!!!
And if u were ever curious to know what the effects are of listening to the Black Parade non stop, well this it...absoluuuutteee confusion, madness and love and hatred and the desire to rip someones hair of their skull and kiss someone so hard that you'd leave a permanent forever wet impression that would taint his soul for good....oh, let the Good Lord help me at this time of of...i have no words to decribe it.
Wats gotten into me, that i dont know...i dont know who to blame here...but i love it, i love this feeling, when things necessarily dont have to make sense, when you just want to scream out for the whole world to hear, when people stare at you and it doesnt bother you, infact you enjoy the attention. its when u ''unleash the monster within"!!. try it, put on your favourite song and rock it out, swear if u want to, scream if you have to, do what you must to feel good.
I would dye my hair purple, get a tattoo(s), peirce my eyebrow, work part time at the petrol station ...i would want to do anything as long as it makes me feel long as i go to bed every night feeling satisfyed ...time as we know, does not wait for anyone. so ladies go peirce your bellies and dear gentlemen, well honestly to me, i would consider a man a real man if he has the nerve to peirce his nipples(!!!) yes, take while to digest that line...dont think of me with disgust, had i not warned you earlier...i speak nothing but the truth, i speak exactly whats going through this muddled up head of mine...
Well if you have a problem with that, then thats fine, i can live with it... u see, life isnt worth it if u arnt ready to let yourself go, if you arent ready to challenge yourself...i choose to wear torn stockings and black nailpolish, i choose to stand at the tip of the road and feel the air blow through my hair when a car rushes past...
Take risks...make mistakes...break the rules..for it is then that you become complete, it is then that you are called human....
As for me, is my life complete?, i still have a long way to go. i cant do much now, except for pray for a tomorow and when it comes i shall do what i feel is best...i will live my life my way and you shall live yours your way....
As ive said before, be good to life...Dont punish it, dont punish yourself for not living it the way you want to...take every breath as if it were the last and make evry use of it...
So whats the agenda planned for myself, hmmmm...i was thinking skydiving, sounds interesting eh, but first i think ill just try coloring my hair purple (check).. i think i can wait before i throw my life away (literally) from a plane praying my parachute doesnt bail on me ....
suicidal death wish some might call it..but fer me? its just a lil bit of some hardcore fun & living..


Rayna said...

Whoa post! dye ur hair purple and come to school...murthy will have a :D
I love ur blog!! keep blogging!!!

anish said...



Radhii said...

My homegurl!

Epic post !! I love the way you write, think, whatever. You're the coolest!

*reshma* said... soo flatterd!! thnx guyz...

Nishant said...

Awesome post. Loved every word. Except some. However, keep it up..... It was really really good.

Sonia said...